『Sky 星を紡ぐ子どもたち』から学ぶ、多種多様なインタラクティブミュージックの活かし方 / Learn about the various interactive music of "Sky: Children of the Light"
『Sky 星を紡ぐ子どもたち』は、2019年のリリースから長年運営されているモバイル向けのオンラインアドベンチャーゲームです。エリアによってサウンドトラックのインタラクティブな構成や演出に大きな変化があり、今回のセッションでは、音楽スコアを元に構造の多様性について掘り下げるとともに具体例を挙げ、それぞれの技術面と作曲面の考察を行います。
Sky: Children of the Light is a long-running social and mobile game with a large soundtrack that varies significantly in interactive structure and execution from area to area. This session will dive into the score to show the diversity of interactive structures and explore a few of these cues closely to show technical and compositional considerations of each.

Vincent Diamante is a music composer and game designer active in video game development for the last two decades.
Most recently he was Audio Director of thatgamecompany for over a decade, during which they shipped the award-winning mobile game Sky: Children of the Light.
Vincent is currently working as a freelance music composer and audio designer.
20年間にわたって作曲家、ゲームデザイナーとしてビデオゲーム開発に従事。『風ノ旅ビト』などで知られる米国のゲーム開発会社thatgamecompanyのオーディオディレクターを 10 年以上務め、在籍中にアワード受賞のモバイルゲーム『Sky: Children of the Light』の開発に携わりました。独立後はフリーの作曲家およびオーディオデザイナーとして国際的に活躍しています。
Sky: Children of the Light’s uniquely extended production process allowed opportunities for diverse interactive music structures throughout the game.
In a game that attempts to bring out the generosity of the players it gathers, thatgamecompany tries to be exceedingly generous with the evolving game narrative, design, and concepts it exhibits. I hope you can enjoy and learn from the presentation of the music design, the game design that motivated it, and the tools workflow that enabled music to be delivered consistently for Sky and its ongoing seasonal updates.