微分可能レンダリングを使用したレンダリングパフォーマンスの向上 / Boosting Rendering Performance Using Differentiable Rendering
このセッションでは、TencentのNExT StudiosとMoreFun Studiosが使用している微分可能なレンダリング最適化ソリューションを紹介します。これは、消費量を減らしながらほぼ同一のレンダリング効果を最適化し、マルチメッシュのゲームリソースを処理し、ハイブリッドレンダリングをサポートし、ゲームプレイに適応した視点を生成し、ゲームプレイの素材を処理します。キャラクターエフェクトのレイヤーフィッティング、LODリソースの生成、大気散乱などをカバーします。カスタム素材の自動生成を可能にし、変換プロセスを合理化し、他のプロジェクトへの応用のガイドラインを提供します。
In this session, we will introduce a differentiable rendering optimization solution used by NExT Studios and MoreFun Studios in Tencent. It optimizes resources for near-identical rendering effects with less consumption, processes multi-mesh game resources, supports hybrid rendering, generates adaptive viewpoints for gameplay, and processes gameplay materials. It covers layer fitting of character effects, LOD resource generation, and atmospheric scattering. It enables the automatic generation of custom materials, streamlines conversion processes, and provides guidelines for application to other projects.

Chen Qiao joined CYou Inc. as a game engine developer after graduating in 2012.
In 2015, he transitioned to Tencent to further his expertise in game engine development.
His focus is mainly on illumination, material rendering, optimization tasks, and the application of artificial intelligence technology.
He has contributed to developing numerous projects, including Chinese Paladin Online, The Legend of Qin, Arena Break Out, Undawn, and SYNCED: Off-Planet.
彼は「仙剣奇侠伝オンライン」、「秦の時明月」、「Arena Breakout」、「Undawn」、「SYNCED: Off-Planet」など、複数のプロジェクトの開発に参加しています。
This session is for anyone interested in optimizing rendering performance, as well as developers who are interested in differentiable rendering technology.
In this session, we will introduce a differentiable rendering optimization solution.
It optimizes resources for near-identical rendering effects with less consumption.
Attendees will learn how differentiable rendering can optimize rendering performance and discover ways to implement a hybrid differentiable renderer and adapt it to their projects.