FINAL FANTASY XVでは、キャラクター/地形/UI/サウンド等のユーザーが直接触れるアセットから、ナビゲーションメッシュやコリジョン等の裏側で動くシステムの為のアセットが、100万以上ものファイルから成り、テラバイトにも迫る量の、複雑に関連しあった膨大な量のアセットで構成されています。
また、FINAL FANTASY XVでは、ゲーム中の様々な情報をログとして収集・蓄積・共有を行い、そして統計解析によって得られる様々な情報を、人間が見やすく判断しやすい様に可視化し、ゲームの品質を向上させる試みを実験的に行いました。
注) これらの機能は開発時に限り有効となっており、製品版には組み込まれておりません。
南野 真太郎

2013年より「スクウェア・エニックス株式会社 テクノロジー推進部」に入社し「Luminous Studio」の開発に従事。現在は「第2ビジネスディビジョン」に移り「FINAL FANTASY XV」の開発にプログラマとして従事。
また「C++のためのAPIデザイン」(ソフトバンク クリエイティブ/2012年)「ゲームプログラマの為のC++」(ソフトバンク クリエイティブ/2011年)の監訳を担当。
Ingimar Gudmundsson

Ingimar is an AI engineer at Square Enix, focused on character motion, simulations, and work-flow tools. His current project is Final Fantasy XV, a Japanese role playing game that takes players on a journey of four friends, as their kingdom is threatened and potentially lost. Ingimar has worked on numerous titles in the video game industry, most notably the BAFTA award winning, Total War: Shogun 2 (2011) by the Creative Assembly, where he was the battle AI programmer responsible for the real time battle strategies. Previously he worked on other Total War games, such as Napoleon: Total War (2010), and Empire: Total War (2009), which was his first foray into the games industry.
Ingimar has a Master's Degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence from the University of Exeter and an undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Iceland.
I look forward to sharing the technology that we developed at Square Enix with the CEDEC audience. Gaming has been one of the identifying characteristics of Japan and influenced many, such as myself, to get involved in making games. It will be exciting to get to meet more of the wonderful people involved in this magical process and share stories and experiences.
Skubch Hendrik

Hendrik Skubch joined Square Enix Japan in 2013 as an AI researcher, where he develops generic AI technologies for all aspects of Game AI. In 2014, he joined a focus effort on FINAL FANTASY XV as a senior AI engineer. Before joining the game industry he researched cooperative robotics and led a robotic soccer team within the RoboCup initiative. He received his PhD for work on robotic teams in 2012 from the University of Kassel, Germany.