Player Motivation and Sustained Engagement: Understanding the fundamental psychology that keeps players playing (プレイヤーのモチベーションと継続的エンゲージメント: プレイし続けるプレイヤーの基本的心理を理解する)
To improve player retention, developers are seeking to understand player motivation and engagement at a higher resolution, both conceptually and in the data they collect to improve design and innovate great player experiences. The distinction between intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation is increasingly a focus of conversation and strategy, but what do we really mean when we use these terms? Do they provide enough resolution to meaningfully inform design in ways that translate into sustained engagement and greater monetization? How can we understand the building blocks of motivation in a way that is clear, accurate, and practically useful to building great game experiences?
This session will provide clear and practical definitions for intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, based on decades of behavioral science research and specific research with gamers over the last nine years. Well cover what the data says about the strengths and weaknesses of extrinsic vs. intrinsic approaches to building longer and more satisfying relationships with customers, and link these concepts to numerous game examples from online and social games.
Scott Rigby, Ph.D

Dr. Scott Rigby is president of Immersyve Inc., a company focusing on actionable, applied research on player motivation, behavior and engagement. Scott is veteran of both the ivory tower and interactive media development; after earning his Ph. D. as a behavioral psychologist studying motivation and emotion, Scott founded and ran an interactive agency in Manhattan that developed interactive marketing, original content, and Internet games for Sony, Time Warner, and Viacom as well as online game tie-ins for major feature films such as AI: Artificial Intelligence, Red Planet, and Frequency. Scott and Immersyve regularly works with most major game developers worldwide, including Zenimax, Activision, EA, WB Games, Riot, and many others.
Scott is the author of the book Glued to Games: How Video Games Draw Us In and Hold Us Spellbound (February, 2011), along with his co-author Richard Ryan. He is the creator of a widely used model for engagement in game design the Player Experience of Need Satisfaction (PENS) based on data from more than 40 studies involving tens of thousands of gamers. He has served on the faculty of the Game Developers Conference and been a top-rated speaker on topics related to engagement and motivation for many years, and his work has been featured by Wired, Gamasutra, GamePro, Game Informer, Electronic Gaming Monthly, as well as by ABC News, National Geographic, and Scientific American.
Dr. Scott Rigby氏は、プレイヤーのモチベーションや行動、エンゲージメントに関する実用・応用研究を行う会社であるImmersyve Inc.社の社長で、学界とインタラクティブメディア開発分野の両方で豊富な実績と経験を有しています。動機づけと情動の研究で行動心理学のPhDを取得した後、マンハッタンでインタラクティブ・エージェンシーを設立、インタラクティブ・マーケティングとオリジナルコンテンツの開発を行っています。また、ソニー、Time Warner社、Viacom社のオンラインゲームの受託開発や、『A.I.』、『レッドプラネット』、『オーロラの彼方へ』(原題: Frequency)といった主要長編特作映画のタイアップオンラインゲームも制作しました。同氏とImmersyve社はZenimax社、 Activision社、EA社、WB Games社、Riot社など、世界中の多くの大手ゲーム開発会社との共同プロジェクトに継続的に取り組んでいます。
同氏はRichard Ryan氏との共著で「Glued to Games: How Video Games Draw Us In and Hold Us Spellbound(ゲームに夢中: ビデオゲームは如何に我々を引き付け、魅了するか)」を2011年2月に出版しています。また同氏は、何万人ものゲイマーを動員し、40回以上に渡って実施した研究から得たデータを基に「Player Experience of Need Satisfaction(PENS、欲求充足プレイヤー体験)」と呼ばれるゲームエンゲージメントデザインのモデルを考案しました。このモデルは現在広 く使用されています。同氏はGame Developers Conference(GDC、ゲームデベロッパーズカンファレンス)の役員を務めており、長年に渡ってエンゲージメント、モチベーション関連の分野の第一人者として講演を行ってきました。彼の業績はWired、Gamasutra、GamePro、Game Informer、Electronic Gaming Monthlyなどの情報誌や情報サイト、ABCニュース、ナショナルジオグラフィック、Scientific American誌などで取り上げられました。