SNK Community Manager Jonathan Campana delves into the benefits and unexpected difficulties that come from building a community with a market overseas.
-introduction to SNK going over the past and recent titles
-stating the current problem (how to market a brand that hasn’t been in the spotlight for over a decade)
-introducing discord, what it is, and how it works
-showing off examples of what other companies are doing with discord
-examples of how we use discord
-bringing forth real-life issued we’ve had to deal with in the past
-how great it is to work for a company that has community in its focus
-why having English speaking staff who are motivated about the product helps sell overseas
And more…
SNKコミュニティマネージャーのJonathan Campana氏が、海外に市場を持つコミュニティ構築のメリットと思わぬ苦労について掘り下げます。
カンパナ ジョナサン

Jonathan has been working for SNK as a Community Manager since early 2019.
Shortly after joining, he worked with multiple members of the greater SNK online community to create the official SNK Studio Discord server which currently boasts over 10,000 members.