我々はPlayStation4上で30FPSで動作し、動的で事前処理の不要な、そしてライトのバウンスを2~3回行うことが出来るライティングをPS4に実 装しました。このライティングは建物や風景がセミダイナミックに変化、変形するようなシーンに対応しており、動的なオブジェクトには間接照明 から発生するソフトシャドウを地形に対して投影することも可能です。
ジェームス マクラーレン

James started programming when he was 10 and dreamed of making video games from an early age. After leaving University in 1995, he worked for 6 years in the UK at GSI (F16 Aggressor,Wings Of Destiny), and VideoSystem (Formula One World Grand Prix 1&2).
In 2002 after having had his interest in the country peeked by working for the Japanese owned VideoSystem, he moved out to Japan to work as Senior Programmer at Q-Games in 2002.
Whilst there he worked on on helping to build up the company's technology base, and contributed to StarFox Command on the DS, as well as the early PixelJunk series games. He was also lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to end up on a team of 3 people working with Sony to produce the background and visualizers for the PS3.After 6 years at Q-Games he made the move out to Canada in 2008 to work at Slant Six Games in Vancouver (shipping Resident Evil/Biohazard Operation Raccoon City whilst there), before returning to Japan and Q-Games again as Director of Engine Technology in 2012. For the past 2.5 years he has be hard at work on a "Next-Gen" engine for PS4 which will be used in Q's upcoming games. He likes GPUs, SPUs, Voxels and Wavelets amongst other things.
吉田 謙太郎

セガサターン「パンツァードラグーン シリーズ」の開発に携わる
PLAYSTATION2専用ソフト げんしのことば アートディレクター
XBOX専用ソフトPanzer Dragoon Orta アートディレクター
Q-GamesではスタジオマネージャーとしてPixelJunkシリーズやNINTENDO 3DS専用ソフト スターフォックス64 3Dなどの制作に関わる