- What is the launch strategy for a US mobile game?
- What's unique about the mobile market?
- How do analytics play a role in game making?
- How does the technical architecture affect game development post-launch?
- How do you streamline the development process?
- How do you ensure high-quality but still fast iteration?
Gudavalli Ram

Ram Gudavalli is a VP of Engineering in the Game Studio group of GREE International. As VP of Engineering, Ram is responsible for managing the product development organization with a technical focus on scalable server architectures, analytics, and server operations.
Ram joined GREE International through the acquisition of Funzio, Inc. where he was a founder and CTO. At Funzio, Ram led the engineering organization towards building Funzio's set of hit titles on mobile platforms. He also provided technical leadership in developing Funzio's game analytics infrastructure and managing the server operations teams.
Prior to founding Funzio, Ram was the first engineering employee and eventually first VP of Engineering at hi5, a leading global social networking website focused on Latin America, Europe and Southeast Asia. At hi5, Ram was responsible for building and managing a world-class engineering organization, and scaling the service to 16 billion pageviews per month.
Ram graduated from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a B.S. in Computer Engineering.
Andrew Keidel

Andrew Keidel is a VP of Engineering in the Game Studio group of GREE International. Andrew is responsible for managing all client-side product development across the organization, which includes iOS, Android, and HTML5 technologies.
Andrew joined GREE International through the acquisition of Funzio, where he was a founder and VP Engineering. Andrew led the client-side engineering effort to develop and launch all of Funzio's hit titles on iOS, Android, and Facebook.
Prior to founding Funzio, Andrew worked in the algorithmic equities trading group at Merrill Lynch, and later worked as a consultant to build streaming video technology for both the NFL and MLB. Andrew graduated from Yale University with a B.S. in Computer Science.